Facial recognition app combats China’s global threat

Written by Staff Writer at CNN

China’s futuristic facial recognition technology has been hailed by local and international tech reviewers, and even praised by President Donald Trump as a potential threat to national security.

The app is SenseTime’s most recent innovation. At just over two years old, it has already received more than 4 billion app downloads. And investors recently ploughed $300 million into the company, which has secured $950 million in funding in total.

So the US-China tech spat playing out in Washington DC is casting a cloud over the global rollout of SenseTime’s tech. The company’s boss Wang Xizhe said he was worried US government bans and technology restrictions would be crippling: “This would make it impossible for many Chinese companies to enter the global market.”

But Xizhe is hopeful the dispute will soon be resolved and the US administration will be open to implementing his government’s programs: “You can only implement reforms and adopt and promote technological innovation in a responsible and benevolent manner. This is what Chinese government believe in, and we believe in the US.”

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